Lock Focus key code series AA000-AA999

No new orders will be posted until 2 January 2025

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No new orders will be posted until 2 January 2025


This is a replacement key for Lock Focus office cabinet, desk and locker locks. The key can be cut from the key code or a decent picture of an existing key.

The key code will take the following format:

  • The letters AA followed by a three digit number in the range of AA000 to AA999

The key code is usually recorded on the face of the lock. It may also be stamped on the key.

Alternatively... the key can be cut from a decent digital picture of an existing key.

A picture like this taken from the top:

Lock Focus cut key LF45R

The new key will be stamped with the key code.

Customer Reviews (1)
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1 Review:

27 September 2022  | 

I've recently retired from a procurement role in a large corporate organisation, I was spending circa 30M a year at times.

At times I would deal with smaller businesses ( sorry I'm only assuming you fit that sector, apploigies if not) and it was rare to engage with those SME's that displayed the customer commitment that your business has shown with me on such a low value purchase. To me that demonstrates you are doing everything right for your customers! I'm only sorry I cannot place a massive order with you.

Well done to Keymoon



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Key cut from the key code or a decent picture of an existing key.